Event Details

This event finished on 10 June 2023

Venue: Royal George
Time: Midday –  11pm

wob • ble • gob (noun) [wob-uhl-gob] Someone who will use 103 words when just 3 will do. Join us for wobblegob, a duo exhibition from Patrick Stratton and Heidi Pearce that uses tapestry and soft sculpture to playfully explore the everyday absurdity of the local Royal George pub and the regular ‘wobblegobs’ that prop up the bar. Taking on those idle moments between pints, these two Brockley based artists will exhibit works that capture the spirit of the pub. Stratton’s tapestries wittily depict boredom-alleviating pub activities whereas Pearce’s dog sculptures steal the stools of, and cheekily impersonate, the regulars. Curated by Natasha Eves. Open Tuesday 30th May – Sunday 18th June.

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