Save The Opening Night

We've had over 15 years of free music at the now legendary Brockley Max Opening Night, but we can’t do it this year as all our funding sources have dried up due to ongoing cost of living issues.  We all need something to look forward to, and it would be wonderful to be able to ensure this amazing, free-to-attend, family-friendly music night can go ahead this year?  We've had 100's of amazing acts over that time such as Athlete, Chainska Brassika, Koder and Prima Queen, as well as young bands starting out on their musical careers. We need to raise £5000 by March the 31st - can you help?  Please donate to our GoFundMe page and make sure this amazing event takes place. Check out the video of last year's event on our fundraising page.

Creative crafting in our magical marquee at Art In The Park

Share Your Memories of Brockley Max

The community encompassed by Brockley Max has changed drastically in the 20 years since the festival began. The area is more family-friendly, has more amenities and shops and the socio-economic make-up of the area has also changed.

Memories of Brockley Max will be a curated self-guided audio-visual tour of festival locations in Brockley, Crofton Park and Ladywell both past and present with interviews, music and images. The project will introduce and memorialise the events and venues from previous years, giving a social history of our creative community. The trail will celebrate 20 years of the Brockley Max Festival and re-engage the community with our local arts, so badly affected by Covid.

Participants will be able to engage with the project in a Covid-safe way, using a phone app to access interviews and past performance at event venues. We want to be sure it's accessible to as many people as possible. We'll be signposting locations as well as providing a downloadable guide will which will form part of the project’s legacy. There will even be an exhibition (also available online) where you can view the memories trail and add your own memories of the festival.

We will be working in partnership with local organisations including the Brockley Society, Crofton Park Community Library, Crofton Park Local History Group, the Ladywell Society, artists, performers and venue owners to produce a lively and informative narrative about our shared festival experiences.

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