Volunteers needed during Brockley Max
This year’s Brockley Max festival will soon be upon us, so now we need enthusiastic people to help us get the word out about the fantastic events that will be taking place – and to help steward some of them.
There are more than 70 events taking place between Friday 29 May and Saturday 6 June. Can you help give out our fantastic programmes telling everyone all about what’s happening during Brockley Max? If so, please add your name to the rota for handing out programmes at your nearest station, at Brockley Market on Saturday or at local shops that have agreed to distribute the Brockley Max programme.
We also need volunteers who can help during the festival itself. Can you turn up at events during the festival and sell some raffle tickets for us, or be a steward at our Opening Night or Art In The Park family day? Please get in contact with our volunteer coordinator Rosanna on volunteer@brockleymax.co.uk to find out more or, if you’re already sold, fill in the sign-up form at http://tinyurl.com/bmaxvolunteers.
We’ll be holding informal meet and greet events at The Talbot pub on Wednesday 13 May between midday and 3pm and at Pistachios Cafe in Hilly Fields on Saturday 16 May from 2pm to 4pm, so do drop by and find out more about the festival and how you can get involved in it.